Everything you need to launch MTSS-B in your NH district and school.

NH's Multi-Tiered System of Supports for Behavioral Health & Wellness (MTSS-B)

Part of the larger children’s system of care in NH, MTSS-B is a comprehensive system of social, emotional, and behavioral supports to promote student wellness and improve engagement in learning. MTSS-B’s integrated delivery system depends on intentional collaboration between school districts and their community mental health and youth/family-serving partners. Based on the Interconnected Systems Framework, MTSS-B blends research-based school mental health practices and social-emotional learning with a tiered prevention framework that offers schoolwide social-emotional and behavioral programs at the universal level (Tier 1), targeted supports for at-risk students (Tier 2), and intensive, individualized services for the highest-need students (Tier 3).


Learn About MTSS-B

Explore the core features, systematic approach, and implementation phases of MTSS-B


Explore the Toolkit

Find guidance and tools to support your own MTSS-B implementation


How We Can Help

Learn about the MTSS-B Technical Assistance Center


MTSS-B in New Hampshire

Learn how NH MTSS-B Technical Assistance Center partners are supporting adoption and implementation of MTSS-B across the state.

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Community of Practice

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Summer 2024

NH Multi-Tiered System of Supports
for Behavioral Health and Wellness presents

NH MTSS-B Professional Development Series

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