
NH MTSS-B Technical Assistance Center Overview


The NH MTSS-B Technical Assistance Center provides training, coaching, and technical assistance to New Hampshire schools and districts to build system capacity for implementing the Multi-Tiered System of Supports for Behavioral Health and Wellness (MTSS-B). MTSS-B is a tiered prevention and school-community mental health integration framework that supports improved social-emotional and behavioral outcomes for students.

Developed by


MTSS-B Advisory Committee

The MTSS-B TA Center is informed by a multi-sector, state-level MTSS-B Advisory Committee that provides input on MTSS-B strategies, planning efforts, and supports awareness and dissemination of the framework throughout New Hampshire schools and communities. The MAC meets bi-monthly; meeting minutes are available on the Advisory Committee page.


Meet the Team

The MTSS-B TA Center was developed by the Behavioral Health Improvement Institute (BHII) at Keene State College in partnership with the Office of Social Emotional Wellness (OSEW) at the NH Department of Education. OSEW houses a cadre of MTSS-B Consultants who offer training, consultation, ongoing coaching, and other forms of technical assistance to NH school districts.

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