The Toolkit
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Phase 1: Exploration

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Step 1: Mobilize People

Form an Exploration Team of education, mental health, and other child-serving agency decision-makers and develop a shared understanding of the MTSS-B framework and its strategies and practices.

Step 2: Use Data

Take stock of community and school district needs by reviewing existing data on risk and protective factors for student well-being. Inventory current contracts and partnerships with agencies that support student social-emotional and mental health and district and school initiatives related to youth well-being. Identify gaps and overlaps in services, and consider how MTSS-B might address areas of need.

Step 3: Make a Plan

Hold data-informed discussions about whether MTSS-B aligns with school district and community needs, priorities, and capacities. If choosing to adopt MTSS-B, expand the Exploration Team to prepare for District-level Implementation.

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