Take stock of community and school district needs by reviewing existing data on risk and protective factors for student well-being. Inventory current contracts and partnerships with agencies that support student social-emotional and mental health and district and school initiatives related to youth well-being. Identify gaps and overlaps in services, and consider how MTSS-B might address areas of need.
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(3a) Review existing risk and protective factor data at community and district levels to help determine need for MTSS-B
Explore data sources to gather community, district, and school-level data related to MTSS-B
Organize and present data collected in the Data Profile Workbook in infographic templates that can inform discussions about MTSS-B implementation priorities
(4a) Inventory current service contracts/arrangements with community agencies that support student social-emotional and mental health, including allocation of financial and human resources and evidence of positive impact on youth.
Learn how to assess existing and potential community-based partnerships to address student behavioral health needs
(4b) Determine strengths, redundancies, and gaps in services and explore how community partnerships could inform MTSS-B planning.
Map out your existing and potential future community-based partnerships to support MTSS-B
(5a) Develop an inventory of current initiatives related to youth social, emotional, and behavioral health in school and community, including areas of general education, special education, mental health, and justice.
(5b) Assess the degree to which the fidelity and outcomes of current initiatives are being measured, including an inventory of current data systems in use and evidence of positive impacts on youth.
(5c) Determine areas of redundancy and need to focus on a small number of integrated initiatives that prioritize direct impact on identified needs.
Conduct an inventory of current social-emotional and behavioral health initiatives and programs in your district/school
Identify and align with early childhood partner sites implementing Pyramid Model Framework
All information posted on this website is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for professional or legal advice. Should you decide to act upon any information on this website, you do so at your own risk.
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