What is MTSS-B?

Video Library

The videos on this page offer an introduction to NH’s Multi-Tiered System of Supports for Behavioral Health and Wellness (MTSS-B) framework. They cover four topics: An Overview of NH MTSS-B, Tier 1 Implementation, Advanced Tier Implementation, and Navigating the MTSS-B Toolkit. These videos are intended to offer a brief overview to the MTSS-B framework for school staff, families, and community members.

Overview of NH MTSS-B

This video offers a general overview of the MTSS-B framework and the five stages of its quality improvement process: mobilizing people, using data, action planning, implementing strategies, and monitoring progress.

Tier 1

This video explains Tier 1 implementation at the school-level. It overviews teaming, data-based decision making, action planning, universal strategy implementation, and progress monitoring of schoolwide MTSS-B efforts.

Advanced Tiers

This video explains Advanced Tier (Tier 2/3) implementation at the school-level. It overviews Tier 2/3 teaming, data-based decision making, action planning, targeted and intensive intervention implementation, and progress monitoring for Advanced Tier MTSS-B efforts.

Navigating the Toolkit

This video walks viewers through the online NH MTSS-B Toolkit and how to find and use tools for local MTSS-B implementation.

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