Create a district-level MTSS-B action plan based on data-informed discussions about district needs, priorities, and capacities. Identify which school(s) will serve as demonstration sites, and develop a staff training and coaching plan to support MTSS-B implementation.
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(8a) Develop a strategic district-level MTSS-B action plan using community risk/protective factor data and district fidelity data.
Use data to develop detailed action plans for district-wide MTSS-B priorities and guidelines for school-level implementation
(8b) Select demonstration schools for initial implementation using a combination of need, readiness, and commitment criteria.
Review need, readiness, and commitment criteria for selection of MTSS-B demonstration schools in your district
Rate your schools’ readiness to determine the best high-leverage sites for MTSS-B implementation
(8c) Develop a professional development plan for training and coaching to support MTSS-B implementation, differentiated across schools and based on data/need and implementation phase. Identify ongoing coaching activities at the district and school levels.
Review professional development and coaching supports required for high-fidelity MTSS-B implementation
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