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Use Data
Make a Plan
Implement Strategies
Monitor Progress
Toolkit > School-Level Implementation

Step 5: Monitor Progress

Adapt the district evaluation plan to support use of school-level data in monitoring and decision-making. Conduct an annual MTSS-B fidelity assessment of Tier 1 and Tier 2/3 systems, and monitor the fidelity and outcomes of evidence-based interventions to understand impact and inform future action plans.

Tools for Monitoring Progress

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(9a) Adapt the district evaluation plan to enable data-based decision making at the school level; identify protocols for monitoring fidelity of MTSS-B framework and specific EBPs; identify student outcome measures and progress monitoring procedures.

Designing an Evaluation Plan

Learn about the essential components of an effective MTSS-B progress monitoring and evaluation plan


(10a) Monitor effectiveness of MTSS-B system by reviewing and using data to inform subsequent action planning and improve implementation, including assessment of MTSS-B fidelity and outcomes. Revise school-level action plans as needed.

NH-MFI Schoolwide/Tier 1 Module

Use the NH MTSS-B Fidelity Inventory Schoolwide/Tier 1 Module to measure your MTSS-B implementation progress at the district level. Use linked workbooks to visualize results and progress over time.

NH-MFI Tier 2/3 Module

Use the NH MTSS-B Fidelity Inventory Tier 2/3 Module to measure your MTSS-B implementation progress at the district level. Use linked workbooks to visualize results and progress over time. 

School MTSS-B Action Planning Tool (S-MAPT)

Use data to inform and develop detailed action plans for school-level MTSS-B implementation


(10b) Monitor fidelity of individual advanced tier EBPs/interventions on at least an annual basis; eliminate infeasible interventions and develop improvement plans to improve low fidelity interventions.


Intervention Fidelity Guidance

Learn how to articulate and monitor implementation of the critical components of your MTSS-B practices and interventions in your local environment

Intervention Quality Tool

Track implementation quality across your MTSS-B intervention portfolio using key implementation science indicators as a proxy for fidelity

Intervention Fidelity Template

This template will guide you through the process of creating an intervention-specific fidelity tool


(10c) Monitor outcomes of individual EBPs/interventions at all tiers at the individual student and aggregate level to determine a) student-level outcomes/progress and b) overall evidence of impact of each intervention.

Using Data Across Tiers

Review data indicators and data use strategies across MTSS-B tiers to support progress monitoring and decision-making

Tier 1 Data Tracker

Use this template to organize your Tier 1 data to support implementation monitoring and decisions

Office Discipline Referral Tracker

Track office discipline referrals and suspensions and view trends by gender, grade, race/ethnicity, IEP/504 status, location, and types of problem behaviors

Instructional & Administrative Time Gained/Lost Calculator

Calculate student instructional and administrator time gained and/or lost from year-to-year based on changes in office discipline referral rates

Sample Daily Progress Report

Track individual student progress on operationalized student social-emotional and behavioral goals

Individualized Planning & Progress Monitoring Meeting Template

Use this template to help guide student support team meetings, progress monitoring, and planning for students receiving individualized Tier 3 services

Individual Planning and Progress Monitoring Guidance

Develop team-based individualized action plans and monitor progress toward goals for students referred to Tier 3 services

Individual Planning and Progress Meeting Template

Use this template to help guide student support team meetings, progress monitoring, and planning for students receiving individualized Tier 3 services

Advanced Tier Intervention Tracker

Assess student engagement, fidelity, and effectiveness of your Advanced Tier practices


(10d) Measure school climate to monitor culture shifts at the school level.


Measuring School Climate

Explore ways to measure school climate in order to monitor climate and culture shifts at the school level

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